I have been searching net for some good offers to share but looks like we have none nowadays. But found these stuff which may interest you.

TheStorez.com Online BookstoreTheStorez : Remember I blogged about this website the other day, now we have yet another offer from them. They are offering few books free of cost, yes Rs.0! And all you have to pay is Rs.2 per book towards shipping (now that is the least they could have charged!) So go ahead guys, check out these books here..

http://images.shopping.indiatimes.com/homeimages/ISlogo.gifIndiatimes Shopping : Check out their Magazine store, where you can get Magazine subscription with upto 50% + discount. Click here..

The Magazine offers include : 50% off on Entrepreneur Magazine, CHIP at 55% off and many more. Also, check out new book from Chetan Bhagat “Two States” at just Rs.65. Click here..

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