Hieya! After a quite sometime of vacation,I am here back to announce the name of the person who got himself the gift voucher of Rs.100 of FutureBazaar for participating at this contest.
Of all the comments I received when asked "How are you helping me to promote this webBlog",
This is the only type of comment which I expected and hence Varun Garg gets the voucher!
His comment :
" hey hi abhishek,
you have done a nice work by making this blogsite. i m a regular visitor of ur blogsite and i liked it very much. i have done a little for ur blog's popularity. i have given a post containing link of ur blogsite in my blogsite.
as my blogsite is quite popular among my college friends, so this will definitely popularise ur blog.
the link for that post is :
open this link and see urself.
by the way my email id is :
varungarg455@gamil.com "

Congrats Varun,Check your mail now for the voucher code.
Also all others please comment wasn't I fair in deciding the winner?

P.S: Others dont worry I will be back with more gifts,or you suggest me the contest type and I will get you free vouchers!