Bargain, which I introduced to you few days back and many joined to get the discount codes and many might even got them. But this post is for those who did not get the coupon but still want to purchase something from the stores at a discount of Rs.200.

Well, I have got few of the coupons – Again thanks to you guys, who registered under me. I will give back these vouchers to ones who need them seriously!

All of the vouchers have a validity upto : 10th FEB 2009

So, in case you want one. Comment here with the product you want to buy. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR THE VOUCHER BECAUSE IT IS A GIVE AWAY rather only ask if you are seriously interested in buying the products.. [Note : Request will be answered only if it is at and not on this site]

I have only a limited no. and will try to give them to most valid reason mentioned in comment box here. So be true to get Rs.200 off! :)