Here are few websites which most of you know but i got a comment to share all the paying sites which I know so here I am with the site which have been tried and tested by me which actually pays. I have been payed by all of them. Just go through did you miss out something.mGinger, as all of you know (or most of you at least) was the first to introduce sms ads. Get paid for receiving ads on mobile. You are benefited both the way. You get ads which has discounts and offers and moreover you get paid for it. So, in case you are not part of it this amazing thing. JOIN NOW.
Rupeemail, is email based ad service. If mginger is the best mobile ad service, Rupeemail is the first and best to introduce email ads in India. You get the best of offers and get paid for them too. You will be first to know about many new services and stuff through mails. If you are not yet part of this. JOIN NOW.
Youmint, is a mixture of mGinger and Rupeemail. It sends ads to mobile and even emails and you are been paid for both. Isn't it just awesome and guess what there is a promotion going on which gets you a Rs.500 worth GV of Homeshop18, if you join now. If you are not already part of this. JOIN NOW.
Xcel-surveys is only know Indian Survey site to me. I mean an Indian site for Indians, there are many which are not Indian. xcel-Online Surveys had some problem and it was reported as malware. BUT everything is fine now. There is no malware problem and you can easily register and guess what I have even started receiving surveys, just completed a survey for 25 points. So, incase you had problem in joining before, never mind JOIN NOW!
Bolmol, is not Play-Win site. You play games which you are surely to win and you will get paid for it. I have been paid twice and then I stopped playing coz of time constraints, but GUESS WHAT, one of our reader has already been among top earners month after months after being let to this site by me long back and has earned more than Rs.3500 till now. (I am not disclosing his identity as I have not asked for permission to do so.) So, incase you never knew about this. PLAY AND WIN - JOIN NOW!
These are the best and so far the most best site I have ever come accross, there are many which I have shared before, in case you are new to freeGyaan - Just check out the previous entries as you might have missed out some action which are still available now.
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