freeGyaan Register on iDiva and get an olay sample for free - Girls only!
iDiva, an Indiatimes venture for women is on full swing and it has teamed up with Olay to give a free sample to all its registrants, but mind you its only for GIRLS. So all you girls out there can take up this and you guys can try registering for female members in your family. My sis has registered and we are waiting for the sample. I’ll update the snap of sample once I get it at freeGyaan orkut community.
Olay is providing lot of free sample thru various modes, but I have never received any and am not sure with this too, anyways just hoping we will get it. Anyways you get your free sample buy registering on iDiva here.
This information was shared by Ramesh Tiwari, thanks Ramesh Tiwari for sharing this information!
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Please vote for me on both the categories, you will have to be registered to vote and all this will take only one minute of yours, please freeGyaanis’ vote for me as this blog needs recognition. PLEASE VOTE FOR BOTH CATEGORIES.
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