Indiatimes is yet again giving free voucher for your purchase of any amount made there..
This time all you need to do is make a purchase of any amount and get these three voucher which are though valid on select stores..
I mean, the three vouchers can be used at specific stores..

* One GC worth Rs. 250 will be issued on the purchase of any product & any amount from the Indiatimes shopping site. This GC can only be redeemed on a Flower & Gifts Special Catalogue on minimum purchase of Rs.1000/-

* One GC worth Rs. 500 will be issued on the purchase of any product & any amount from the Indiatimes shopping site. This GC can only be redeemed on a Special Jewellery Catalogue on minimum purchase of Rs.2500/-

* One GC worth Rs. 500 will be issued on the purchase of any product & any amount from the Indiatimes shopping site. This GC can only be redeemed on a M & S Pen Catalogue on minimum purchase of Rs.5000/-

Anyways if you are interested do it before, 31st Dec, the last date..
Also thanks to Aniruddh for sharing this offer!