is offering a Rs.150 GV for all those who register by giving few information like name,email and mobile no.,I guess this is for new customers so trying to give a different i.d than the one registered at IndiaPlaza by you!
I am not sure of this offer coz I haven't myself got the voucher but wanted to share..
Don't wait try out your luck to get the GV,
click here...
IndiaPlaza is also giving away Rs.100 GV for purchase at their Books Section on a minimum purchase of Rs.200, This offer is a part of their Golden Quill Awards 2008 where the award the Best books of the Year..!
You need to do the same thing,vote for the best book and get Rs.100 GV and also if lucky you can win more....
You just need to enter you Name,Email etc.. Click here to go to the page!
Important: Please read the T&C before doing anything!

You can only vote once, if more than once you will be disqualified and will not get any voucher,more T&C are here..
Once again let me remind you that I haven't got myself the voucher yet, so you give a try and comment if you get one, so others can be benefited!